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Breaking the Silence on Mental Health

Breaking the Silence on Mental Health

Breaking the Silence on Mental HealthAs we navigate through March, the narratives around our economy and personal wellbeing are becoming increasingly intertwined. Recent discussions have highlighted that we’ve entered a recession, a fact that many of us had sensed long before it was officially acknowledged. The evidence lies in the everyday – our shopping bags offer fewer items for more money, fuel pumps take longer to fill our tanks without reaching full, and the cost of leisure activities, from a night at the theatre to a simple gym session, all seem to be on an upward trajectory.

This financial strain inevitably impacts our mental health, a topic that, thanks to social media, is gaining attention. Posts about mental health resonate with many, attracting likes and comments, but it begs the question: Are we taking meaningful action beyond the digital gestures of support?

The Shift in Conversations

At my local Nuffield gym, I’ve observed a significant conversation shift. Where once the latest football scores of Chesterfield dominated the talk, discussions about mental health and wellbeing are now becoming a hot topic. However, these conversations often surface only when individuals are in crisis, highlighting a worrying trend towards reactive rather than proactive mental health support.

Taking Action for Mental Health

It’s crucial not only to talk about mental health but to take concrete steps towards improving it. Here are six resources for support:

  1. Hub of Hope: A comprehensive database for local mental health support.
  2. Samaritans: Immediate support for anyone in emotional distress.
  3. Rethink Mental Health: Resources and advocacy for those affected by mental illness.
  4. Mind: Information and support for mental health issues.
  5. Text Shout: A 24/7 text service for people in crisis.
  6. Mental Health Foundation: Promotes understanding and support for mental health

The Power of Mental Health First Aid

Mental health first aid training is a life-saving skill, equipping individuals with the knowledge to support those experiencing a mental health crisis. This training is vital, teaching us to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. It’s about creating a society where mental health is treated with the same urgency as physical health.

Why Mental Health First Aid Matters

For employers, investing in mental health first aid training is not just about compliance; it’s about creating a culture of empathy and understanding. This training fosters a supportive atmosphere in today’s hybrid and office working environments, ensuring employees feel seen, heard, and supported.

Let’s Be the Change

In emphasising the significance of mental health, notable figures have lent their voices to raise awareness. Among them, Prince William has poignantly remarked, “Mental health is just as important as physical health,” underlining the essential nature of addressing mental wellbeing with the same urgency and importance as physical health. This statement from a global figure not only highlights the universality of mental health issues but also encourages a more open and supportive dialogue around the topic.

I invite you to join me in breaking down the barriers surrounding mental health. By training in mental health first aid, you’re not just helping others but fostering a more compassionate society.

Mental health matters as much as physical health. It’s time to prioritise both and make a difference. Please get in touch with us directly for details on upcoming mental health first aid courses throughout 2024, for group bookings send me an email. Let’s break the silence and support each other in every way possible.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


Poor Mental Health Gen Z

Navigating Wellbeing From Baby Boomers to Gen Z

Navigating Wellbeing: From Baby Boomers to Gen Z

Navigating Wellbeing: From Baby Boomers to Gen Z A recent article from The Guardian has highlighted a concerning trend: individuals in their 20s are now more likely to be out of work due to ill health than those in their early 40s. This statistic is alarming and prompts us to question why this is happening. Is it due to increased workplace stress, lifestyle factors, or the lingering effects of the pandemic?

The Changing Conversation Around Wellbeing

From my experience, the conversation around wellbeing is shifting, especially among the younger generation. Unlike baby boomers, who often refrained from discussing their wellbeing due to stigma and a different frame of reference, younger individuals are more open to talking about their mental and physical health. This openness is a positive step forward, but it also reveals deeper issues.

Why the Concern?

Several factors contribute to the rising concern for the wellbeing of younger professionals:

  • Rising Cost of Living and Debt: The financial pressures of today’s economy, including high costs of living and student debt, weigh heavily on younger generations. This financial strain can lead to significant stress and anxiety, impacting their overall wellbeing.
  • Housing Market Challenges: The dream of homeownership is becoming increasingly out of reach for many young people, adding another layer of stress and uncertainty about their future.
  • Job Security and Career Changes: The concept of a job for life is now outdated. The World Health Organisation suggests that young individuals may need to change jobs up to 15 times during their careers. This lack of job security and the need for constant adaptation can be stressful and challenging.

5 Tips to Improve Navigating Wellbeing From Baby Boomers to Gen Z

  1. Open Communication: Encourage open discussions about mental health in the workplace and at home.
  2. Financial Planning: Seek advice and education on managing finances and debt to reduce financial stress.
  3. Lifestyle Balance: Prioritise work-life balance with flexible working hours and remote work options.
  4. Continuous Learning: Embrace the idea of lifelong learning to adapt to career changes positively.
  5. Support Networks: Build a strong support network of friends, family, and professionals for guidance and support.

My Thoughts

The shift in conversations around wellbeing is a vital change, reflecting a broader societal shift towards recognising and addressing mental health issues. However, it’s clear that the challenges facing younger generations are multifaceted, involving economic, social, and personal factors. As attitudes slowly change, it’s crucial that both employers and society as a whole take steps to support the wellbeing of younger professionals, acknowledging the unique pressures they face.


The trend highlighted by The Guardian is a wake-up call for all of us to pay closer attention to the health and wellbeing of the younger workforce. By understanding the “why” behind these issues, we can create healthier work environments that support young professionals and contribute to a more resilient and thriving society.

Your insights on this issue are invaluable. What do you think contributes to the health challenges younger professionals face? And how can we, as a society, support their wellbeing? Join the conversation and share your views.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


Resting at home 4 day week

The Four-Day Workweek A Future of Work and Wellbeing

The Four-Day Workweek: A Future of Work and Wellbeing

In the relentless pursuit of balancing work and life, the concept of a four-day workweek has transitioned from a distant dream to a tangible reality for many. A year after the world’s most extensive trial of a four-day workweek concluded in the UK, the results have sparked interest and led to a significant shift in how work is perceived and conducted. With over 60 UK organisations taking the bold step to reduce work hours to 80% for the same pay—under the promise of maintaining productivity—the outcomes have been overwhelmingly positive.

This shift, led by the think tank Autonomy in collaboration with 4 Day Week Global and academic partners, has shown remarkable improvements in employees’ physical and mental health, work-life balance, and overall life satisfaction. Moreover, businesses have seen boosts in performance, reduced staff turnover, and enhanced recruitment and staff wellbeing.

A Leap Towards Enhanced Wellbeing and Productivity

The trial’s success stories come from various sectors, including marketing, advertising, professional services, and even traditionally rigid fields like construction and healthcare. This diversity illustrates a condensed workweek’s universal applicability and potential benefits across various industries. Notably, most participating organisations have chosen to continue the four-day workweek, with over half making the change permanent. Such a pioneering move challenges the traditional five-day work model, suggesting that a shorter workweek is not merely a fleeting trend but a sustainable, beneficial practice for both employees and employers.

A Comparative Look: USA vs Scandinavia

The idea of a reduced workweek first gained traction in Scandinavia, known for its progressive work-life balance policies, before making its way to the USA. Scandinavian countries have long been at the forefront of implementing work-life balance initiatives, including flexible working hours and extensive parental leave policies. The success of these initiatives has paved the way for the four-day workweek trials, which have been met with positive feedback regarding employee satisfaction and productivity.

In contrast, the adoption rate in the USA has been more gradual, with companies experimenting with the concept on a case-by-case basis. Despite this, American companies’ growing interest is driven by the promising results from the UK and Scandinavia. The comparison underscores a global shift towards reevaluating work norms to enhance wellbeing and productivity.

Mental Health and Work-Life Balance

One of the most compelling arguments for the four-day workweek is its impact on mental health. The additional day off gives employees more time to rest, pursue hobbies, and spend time with loved ones, contributing to lower stress levels and higher job satisfaction. This shift benefits employees’ mental health and translates into higher productivity levels, as well-rested and happier employees are more likely to perform better.

Your Voice Matters

As this conversation about the future of work and wellbeing evolves, your insights and opinions are invaluable. Whether you’re in favour of the four-day workweek, sceptical about its feasibility, or simply curious about its implications, your perspective is crucial. Could your organisation benefit from a similar shift? Are there challenges that might outweigh the benefits, or is the potential for enhanced wellbeing and productivity too significant to ignore?

The four-day workweek represents more than just an extra day off; it signifies a reimagining of work, productivity, and wellbeing. As we look towards a future where work-life balance is not just a goal but a reality, it’s time to engage in this critical discussion. What do you think? Would you welcome a four-day workweek in your company? Let’s explore the possibilities together and consider how such a change could improve our lives.

Liam Kenealy, Employment Solicitor at Lupton Fawcett, invited me to a round table discussion on this topic. He says, ‘There are some practical barriers to such a model, but I think the biggest one is mindset of employers. We have worked 5-day weeks for so long, many employers simply cannot see how a 4-day week could work. I get there will be some industries out there where it would not work, but with some thought, these should be few and far between.’

With employee wellbeing and work-life balance becoming more important, I can see 4-day weeks becoming the norm.”

This conversation is not just theoretical; it’s a call to action for organisations and individuals alike to reconsider the structure of our workweeks to improve our health, productivity, and overall life satisfaction. As we navigate this evolving landscape, your voice is crucial. Share your thoughts, experiences, and whether you’d embrace a four-day workweek in your own life. The future of work is in our hands, and together, we can shape it to foster a healthier, more productive, and more balanced world.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


Self Love

Uncover The Importance of Self-Esteem and Emotional Health for a Balanced Life Amidst Global Challenges

Uncover The Importance of Self-Esteem and Emotional Health for a Balanced Life Amidst Global Challenges – Get Actionable Tips Now.

In the tapestry of modern life, where the threads of global events weave patterns of complexity and constant change, the importance of nurturing our inner world becomes ever more evident. With February marking the observance of both Boost Your Self-Esteem Month and Emotional Health Week, there is a poignant reminder that amidst the global noise, the quiet cultivation of self-appreciation and emotional wellbeing is beneficial and essential.

Why Focus on Self-Esteem and Emotional Health Matters

Self-esteem is the mirror through which we view ourselves, often reflecting back the complex interplay of our thoughts and experiences. It is our sense of personal worth and the foundation upon which we build our interactions with the world. Oprah Winfrey’s sentiment encapsulates this beautifully, emphasising the power of defining the world on our own terms, thus resisting the external pressures to conform to judgments that are not our own.

The benefits of fostering healthy self-esteem are profound. It is a barricade against the tumultuous tides of life, providing resilience against mental health challenges, enhancing our relationships, and empowering us to pursue our aspirations with conviction. During Emotional Health Week, we are reminded of the synergy between emotional resilience and self-esteem, where one reinforces the other, creating a harmonious balance within our psychological ecosystem.

Self-Esteem in the Digital Age

Our digital age, awash with images of curated perfection, can often erode the shores of our self-worth. The relentless comparison facilitated by social media platforms can lead to a relentless pursuit of an unattainable ideal, sowing seeds of doubt and self-criticism. The call to action is to invest time in ourselves, find those everyday affirmations that bolster our sense of self, and remember that what we see online is often not the full spectrum of reality.

The advice is clear: take a break from social media, embrace activities that nourish the soul, and surround yourself with positivity.

A Holistic Approach to Boosting Self-Esteem

Beyond digital detoxes, self-care is paramount. Simple lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, and engaging hobbies contribute significantly to our sense of self-worth. In the process of self-discovery and understanding, we learn to replace negative criticisms with positive affirmations, a practice that requires patience and persistence.

The Pyramid of Self-Esteem

At the base of self-esteem lies

  1. self-worth
  2. self-efficacy,
  3. and self-agency.

These three pillars form the bedrock of our self-perception, influencing our interactions and ability to cope with life’s challenges. We must learn to appreciate our successes, recognise our strengths, and set achievable goals to bolster these. By doing so, we construct a self-image that is robust, resilient, and reflective of our true potential.

Cultivating Emotional Health

Emotional Health Week encourages us to prioritise our emotional wellbeing by recognising the signs of emotional distress and addressing them proactively. By acknowledging our feelings, setting healthy boundaries, and seeking support when needed, we can navigate the complexities of our emotional landscapes with greater ease and confidence.

Navigating the Global Stage

Why does this all matter, especially when the world’s stage is crowded with pressing issues? It matters because the strength of our global community is a reflection of the individual wellbeing of its members. When we are grounded in healthy self-esteem and emotional wellbeing, we contribute to a more resilient, compassionate, and understanding world. We become better equipped to face global challenges with a sense of hope and collective purpose.

In essence, the journey towards enhanced self-esteem and emotional health is an ongoing process that requires mindfulness and a concerted effort to engage with ourselves and the world in a positive, affirming manner.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember that each small step taken is a stride towards a healthier, more balanced self and, in turn, a more harmonious world.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


never lost hope, hope, sand-2636197.jpg

Thriving Amid Uncertainty Cultivating Mental Wellness and Resilience

Thriving Amid Uncertainty Cultivating Mental Wellness and Resilience”

Confidence How To have It And Keep ItIn an age where uncertainty seems to be the only certainty, the shadow of the post-COVID era looms large, weaving a complex tapestry of emotional, psychological, and societal challenges. This pervasive uncertainty has become a central theme in our lives, sparking discussions in various settings—from Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses to intimate conversations with colleagues and clients. The lingering sense of fear and the collective dip in vibrational energies call for a nuanced understanding and robust strategies to navigate these uncharted waters. Drawing inspiration from Stephen Covey’s seminal work, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” this blog aims to explore the intersection of uncertainty and mental health, offering insights and strategies to foster mental wellness and resilience.

The Era of Uncertainty: A Mental Health Perspective

Since lockdowns and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty has unmistakably altered our collective mental health landscape. This shift has manifested in various forms—be it in MHFA courses, therapy sessions, or casual workplace discussions—highlighting a universal struggle with the unknown. In his book, Stephen Covey’s distinction between the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence provides a powerful framework for addressing these challenges. By focusing on aspects within our control, we can mitigate the impact of uncertainty on our mental health.

The Psychological Toll of Uncertainty

Uncertainty can be a fertile ground for anxiety, stress, and a pervasive sense of helplessness. This psychological toll is compounded in the post-COVID world, where the future seems more unpredictable than ever. The key to navigating this landscape lies in understanding the mechanisms of uncertainty that trigger our stress responses and finding strategies to counteract these effects.

Strategies for Building Mental Wellness and Resilience

  1. Empowerment Through Influence: Embrace Covey’s Circle of Influence by taking actionable steps towards what you can control. This approach reduces feelings of helplessness and fosters a sense of empowerment.
  2. Cultivating Acceptance: “Acceptance does not mean resignation,” as Michael J. Fox aptly puts it. It’s about recognising the reality of a situation and finding ways to move forward.
  3. Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness: Grounding techniques and mindfulness practices can help diminish the anxieties tied to uncertainty, encouraging a focus on the present moment.
  4. Building Connections: As Brené Brown emphasises, connection is the essence of human experience. Sharing our vulnerabilities and fears can create a sense of belonging and support.
  5. Positive Actions for Resilience: Engaging in activities that promote physical and mental health is crucial. Exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest are foundational to resilience.
  6. Embracing Change and Growth: Viktor E. Frankl’s insight, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves,” reminds us of the growth potential inherent in facing uncertainty.

Navigating Financial Uncertainty: A Tip for Tight Budgets

In times of financial strain, it’s essential to remember that many effective self-care practices are low-cost or free. Exploring nature, practising meditation, or simply engaging in heartfelt conversations with loved ones can be profoundly healing. The key is to find joy and comfort in the simple things that nourish your soul.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for Mental Wellness

The journey through uncertainty is not one we walk alone. By leaning into the strategies discussed and drawing inspiration from the wisdom of thought leaders like Covey, we can navigate the complexities of our current landscape with grace and resilience. Let’s commit to taking proactive steps towards mental wellness, embracing the uncertainties of life as opportunities for growth and transformation.

As we continue to adapt and thrive amid the uncertainties of the post-COVID era, remember that our mental wellness and resilience are not just personal achievements but collective victories. Together, we can forge a path of healing, growth, and profound well-being.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


Thailand Phi Phi Islands

Transform Your Wellbeing Five Essential Self-Care Strategies for a Balanced Life

Transform Your Wellbeing Five Essential Self-Care Strategies for a Balanced Life

The Power of Retreats: A Journey to Self-Discovery

I recently delved into an enlightening article in The Guardian about mental health and sports performance. This brought to mind my personal experiences with retreats, which have been pivotal in my mental wellness and personal growth journey. Following a LinkedIn post about these retreats, the resonating feedback inspired me to share more.

Embracing the World: My Retreat Experiences

Mangosteen Ayurveda & Wellness ResortMy retreat experiences around the world have been nothing short of transformative, each offering its unique blend of relaxation, self-discovery, and connection with nature. Let me take you on a journey through these retreats and share how they’ve reshaped my perspective on self-care and mental well-being.

Swiss Alps: Meditation Walks and Storytelling

In the Swiss Alps, the retreat was a harmonious blend of meditation walks and mindfulness amidst breathtaking mountain views. I vividly recall the serenity of walking through the alpine landscapes, each step a journey towards inner peace. The mindfulness sessions were particularly memorable and filled with rich storytelling. Although the stories were narrated in German, I was fortunate to have the English versions shared over dinner. These stories, set against the backdrop of the majestic Alps, added depth to my meditation, making each session an enlightening experience.

Sri Lanka: Ayurveda, Yoga, and Nature

Sri Lanka Retreat Sri Lanka offered an immersive experience in Ayurveda, yoga, and connecting with nature. The retreat centred around holistic wellness, with treatments and oils meticulously tailored for rejuvenation. Gong baths provided a unique auditory meditation experience, resonating with the natural surroundings. A standout memory was spotting turtles on the nearby beach, a reminder of the serenity and beauty of nature. However, the most challenging yet rewarding part was the all-day purge or detox. While not the highlight in terms of comfort, it was a crucial component of the cleansing process, contributing significantly to the overall wellness experience.

Thailand: A Focus on Ayurveda and Oils

Mangosteen Aryuveda & Wellness ResortMy time in Thailand was a shorter version of the Sri Lankan experience, with a strong focus on Ayurveda treatments, especially the use of therapeutic oils. The retreat emphasised the importance of holistic healing, combining ancient practices with the tranquillity of the surroundings. The oils used in the treatments were vital for physical wellness and mental and emotional rejuvenation.

Looking Ahead: The Next Adventure

I’m already in the planning stages for my next retreat later this year. Each journey has been a step forward in my understanding of mental wellness and self-care. These retreats have taught me the importance of taking time for oneself, embracing new cultures, and the profound impact of integrating different wellness practices into my life. Stay tuned for more updates on my upcoming adventure and the unique experiences it will undoubtedly bring!

These retreats have been more than escapes from everyday life; they’ve been pivotal in my journey towards a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. From the meditation walks in the Swiss Alps to the Ayurvedic practices in Sri Lanka and Thailand, each experience has contributed to my personal growth and wellness journey. I look forward to sharing more insights and stories from my next retreat, continuing this journey of exploration and self-discovery.

Integrating Self-Care into Daily Life

But true self-care extends beyond these retreats. Integrating regular spa days, weekend getaways with friends, and family outings into my routine has been essential. These moments play a crucial role in refreshing and rejuvenating my spirit.

Five Tips for Regular Mental Health and Well-being

  1. Embrace Short Getaways: Discover the rejuvenating power of mini-breaks.
  2. Connect With Nature: Unveil the therapeutic effects of the great outdoors.
  3. Incorporate Mindfulness: Learn how daily mindfulness can centre your thoughts.
  4. Find Joy in Everyday Activities: Explore the therapeutic impact of hobbies.
  5. Maintain Social Connections: Understand the mood-boosting benefits of socializing.

Conclusion: The Continuous Journey of Self-Care

I’ve learned through my retreats and regular self-care practices that well-being is a multifaceted journey. I encourage you to find what works for you: a retreat, a weekend break, or daily mindfulness. The goal is to create a sustainable practice of self-care that supports your overall wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

Remember, self-care is a personal journey that profoundly impacts our quality of life. Let’s prioritize our mental health with the same urgency as our physical health, enriching the very essence of our lives.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant

People celebrating completing their Mental health first aid training session

Discover the Impact Join Our Upcoming MHFA Courses 🌟

Discover the Impact: Join Our Upcoming MHFA Courses 🌟

MHFA England Instructor MemberNavigating the complexities of mental health is a journey that transforms not just the individual but also the communities around them. Our recent Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course attendees have embarked on this transformative journey, and their experiences are a beacon of inspiration for all of us. By diving deep into their stories, we uncover the profound impact that understanding, empathy, and support can have on mental well-being. Let’s explore how our courses have empowered attendees and how you can join this movement towards a more supportive world.

A Journey of Empathy and Support 🙏

Reflecting on their experience, one attendee remarked, “A fantastic learning opportunity.” They highlighted the challenge of discussing mental health openly and appreciated the supportive environment our instructor, Mike facilitated.

This feedback underscores the essence of our courses: creating a space where difficult conversations can happen with grace and understanding. Through these conversations, we can break down barriers and stigma and foster a community of support.

Empowerment Through Education 💡🤗

Another participant shared their journey towards empowerment, saying, “A really great course that has given me a good understanding of mental illness and how to support people.”

This empowerment is the cornerstone of our goal: equipping individuals with the knowledge and confidence to support mental well-being. Through our courses, attendees transform into advocates for mental health, ready to make a difference in their communities.

Excellence in Instruction: The Role of Our Instructors 👏

The impact of an instructor like Mike cannot be overstated. Described as “very professional, compassionate & understanding,” Mike exemplifies the qualities that make MHFA instructors stand out. His dedication not only enriches the learning experience but also inspires attendees to carry forward the lessons learned with confidence and compassion.

Join the Movement: Upcoming MHFA Courses 🚀

Are you ready to be part of this transformative experience? Whether you’re looking to refresh your knowledge or embark on a new journey of understanding, we have upcoming courses tailored to your needs:

  • MHFA Refresher Course: Scheduled for the 20th of February from 9 AM to 1 PM, this course is designed for those who have previously completed an MHFA course within the last three years. It’s a fantastic opportunity to update your skills and recommit to supporting mental health.
  • Next MHFA 2-Day Course: Starting on the 4th of March, this online course runs from 9 AM to 5 PM and is open to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of mental health and how to offer support.

Your Path to Making a Difference Starts Here

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of mental health and strengthen your ability to support others. Click here to find more information and to reserve your place in our upcoming courses. Whether you’re a returning attendee looking to refresh your knowledge or new to the MHFA community, these courses are a stepping stone towards becoming an effective ally in mental health support.

Be the Change: Book Your Place Now

Embarking on an MHFA course is more than just an educational commitment; it’s a step towards creating a more understanding and supportive world. By joining our courses, you’re not just gaining knowledge; you’re becoming part of a movement dedicated to breaking down the barriers surrounding mental health.

Click here to explore our upcoming courses and secure your spot. Whether you’re revisiting your MHFA training or starting fresh, now is the time to take action. Let’s work together to spread awareness, reduce stigma, and create a supportive community for everyone.

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing Management Consultant


The Importance of a good nights sleep

Why Sleep Matters Especially Now

Why Sleep Matters, Especially Now

The importance of a good nights sleepAs we embrace the festive cheer of December, it’s crucial to remember the importance of balance, especially regarding our wellbeing. 🎄✨

Strike a Balance This Festive Season: Embrace Rest and Avoid Overindulgence

With Christmas around the corner, this time of year can be exciting and stressful. We’re often tempted to stretch our days and nights, juggling holiday preparations with end-of-year deadlines. 🌟📅

But here’s the thing – sleep is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s particularly crucial for students gearing up for exams and for all of us navigating life’s complexities. A good night’s sleep is like hitting the reset button for your brain, mind, and body. It’s our natural way of rejuvenating, ensuring we wake up refreshed, revitalised, and energised. 💤🔋

The Pitfalls of Overindulgence

Late-night celebrations and extra drinks seem tempting as we enter the festive spirit. But moderation is key. Overdoing it can backfire, stimulating rather than relaxing us and impacting our ability to get quality rest. 🍹❌

Remember, while celebrating is part of the season, it shouldn’t come at the expense of our health. Overindulgence, particularly in alcohol, can leave us dizzy, tired, and unresponsive the next day. This not only affects our immediate wellbeing but, if not managed, can contribute to long-term mental health issues. 🧠🚫

Embracing a Balanced Approach

So, as we count the holidays, let’s consciously try to strike a balance. Enjoy the festivities, but also prioritise rest and self-care. Here are a few tips to help you maintain this balance:

  1. Set a Sleep Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up simultaneously every day, even during the holidays.
  2. Moderate Celebration: Enjoy the festive treats and drinks, but know your limits.
  3. Relax and Unwind: Set aside time for activities that help you relax, whether reading, a warm bath, or meditation.
  4. Stay Active: Regular exercise can improve your sleep quality and mood.
  5. Connect Meaningfully: Spend quality time with loved ones, sharing festivities, support, and understanding.

In Summary

The festive season is a time for joy, reflection, and connection. We can enjoy the best of both worlds by balancing celebration with rest and moderation. Here’s to a holiday season that leaves us all feeling merry, bright, and well-rested! 🌟🛌

Free Sleep Audio

Click here on the link provided. You’ll find a soothing sleep audio I use with my clients here. Feel free to listen and download it to help improve your sleep quality. Let this be your first step towards better rest and a more energised life!

Happy holidays, and remember, your wellbeing is the best gift you can give yourself and others!

Mike Lawrence: Health & Wellbeing Enthusiast and Mental Health Advocate

Hi, I’m Mike Lawrence, and I’m dedicated to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. After overcoming significant health challenges, including brain surgery, I’ve committed to a journey of self-improvement and helping others. My adventures range from thrilling skydives for charity to transformative travels in Thailand. I share insights from my experiences and key learnings from impactful audiobooks. Join me in exploring holistic health and wellbeing, and let’s embrace life’s adventures together!

Feel free to connect with me through email at or Linkedin. For more detailed insights and stories from Mike, click here to read the latest blogs.

Mens Mental Health - Self Care Exercise

Supporting Men’s Mental Health Navigating the Challenges of Today

Supporting Men’s Mental Health: Navigating the Challenges of Today

In recent years, there has been a significant and welcome shift in men seeking support for their mental health, reflecting data trends in the UK. Historically, men were less likely to seek help compared to women, often only reaching out when in crisis. This delay in seeking support is concerning, as it can lead to severe consequences, affecting their lives, families, and communities.

Data Insights: MeMen’seluctance to Seek Help

Data from the UK Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) reveals that men are indeed less likely to visit doctors for routine check-ups or discuss mental health concerns. A study conducted by the Mental Health Foundation highlights that men are more prone to use negative coping strategies, such as alcohol and recreational drugs, to manage stress and emotional challenges. 40% of men polled said it would take thoughts of suicide or self-harm to compel them to seek professional help.

Economic Pressures and Mental Health

Male Stress Cost of Living One critical factor contributing to men’s mental health struggles is the current economic landscape in the UK. The rising cost of living and job insecurity have created a significant gap between personal income and expenditure. Men, who may have traditionally been seen as primary breadwinners, are feeling the strain as their earning potential erodes.


Let’s delve deeper into the data. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the cost of living in the UK has been steadily rising, with inflation rates reaching multi-year highs. This living cost surge directly impacts individuals and families, particularly those with limited financial resources. This financial strain can be particularly distressing for men who have long been responsible for providing for their households.

Consequences of Not Getting Support

  • Men are less likely than women to visit a pharmacy when they are sick
    On average, men see their GP 4 times a year compared to the 6 six times a year that women go.
  • Men visit a pharmacy an average of 4 times a year in contrast to the 18 that women go.
  • 9 in 10 men only like to trouble their doctor or pharmacist if they have a severe problem.

The Reasons why Men put of Visiting their GP

  • Fear
  • Too busy
  • Lack of discussion
  • Sign of weakness

Real-Life Client Struggles

Consider John (I have replaced his real name), a man in his 50s who faced mounting stress at work due to job insecurity. This stress led to a drinking problem as a coping mechanism, affecting his marriage and overall mental health. JoJohn’story is a poignant reflection of the experiences of many men grappling with the pressures of modern life.

Positive Shift: Men Embracing Mental Health First Aid

online mental heath training course being ran on zoomThe positive shift in men seeking support extends to mental health first aid training courses. These courses aim to equip individuals with the skills to help others in distress. For the first time, I have witnessed more men than women in attendance, reflecting changing attitudes towards mental health within society.

The Priory’s findings share my experience that men were more likely than women to seek help. Dr Bijlani says, “Traditionally, men have been less likely to seek support for mental health issues. This is probably for several reasons, including stigma and the traditional ‘strong male’ stereotype still prevalent in our society – the idea that expressing emotion is a sign of weakness.” Because of the toll the pandemic has taken across genders, Dr Bijlani says she is “not actually surprised to learn that more men are now coming forward for the first time”.

Navigating the Challenges: 5 Key Steps

As we approach the intense holiday season, it’s crucial for everyone, especially men, to prioritise their mental health. Here are five essential steps to consider:

  1. Take Time Out for Recovery: Use the holiday period to take breaks, go for walks, and carve out moments of relaxation. It’s essential to dedicate some time solely to self-care.
  2. Talk to Someone You Trust: Sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or professional can provide much-needed support and perspective.
  3. Identify Stressors: Recognise the sources of your stress and work on strategies to address them. Don’t let it accumulate to a breaking point.
  4. Seek Immediate Help in Crisis: If you’re feeling suicidal, engaging in self-harm, or struggling with depression, don’t hesitate to seek professional help immediately. Reach out to helplines or crisis intervention services.
  5. Plan for Positive Change: As we approach the new year, create a plan for positive changes in 2024. Identify the areas in your life that need improvement, seek help, and commit to making those changes. Consider appointing an accountability partner to support your journey.

Embracing Self-Care: Daily Rituals

Men Self CareSelf-care is an integral part of maintaining good mental health. Create a list of self-care activities that resonate with you. Start with one and build from there. Activities can range from meditation and gratitude exercises to short walks, gym sessions, breathing exercises, or simply spending time with friends and loved ones.

In Conclusion: The Power of Conversation

In conclusion, the increasing number of men seeking support for their mental health, supported by UK data trends, is a positive shift that should be celebrated. It’s essential to recognise that seeking help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a step towards better mental wellbeing. As we approach the New Year, let’s reaffirm our commitment to mental health and encourage open conversations about our challenges. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. In the words of R. H. Sin, “You are “stronger than you think and more loved than you believe.”

Christmas Festivities

Navigating Christmas in the UK Amid Rising Costs: A Time for Reflection and Adaptation 🎄

The Changing Tide of Christmas Celebrations Amid Economic Challenges

As the festive lights of Christmas begin to twinkle across the UK, the joy of the season is tinged with the sobering reality of a challenging economic climate. The United Kingdom, like many parts of the world, is grappling with a significant rise in the cost of living. In October 2023, the inflation rate dipped to 4.6%, a decrease from the 6.7% recorded in the preceding month. 

However, this relief is slight, as the prices of essentials, particularly food, remain significantly higher than in previous years, with food prices in October 2023 being 10.1% higher than a year earlier.

Christmas Spending: A Glimpse Into the UK’s Festive Budget:

Despite these economic headwinds, Christmas spending in the UK shows a surprising trend. Britons are expected to spend an average of £602 each on Christmas gifts in 2023, marking a 40% increase from the average spend of £429 in 202​​0. This uptick in spending, against economic challenges, highlights the deep-seated value placed on the festive tradition of gift-giving. However, it also points to a potential strain on household finances, with nearly 23 million Brits (43%) planning to cover their Christmas expenses using credit cards.

Diverse Spending Patterns Across Generations and Regions:

This year’s spending patterns reveal interesting dynamics across generations and regions. Generation Z is leading the way in festive spending, planning to allocate an average of £828 each on Christmas gifts. In contrast, baby boomers are taking a more frugal approach, with an average spend of just £39. Geographically, the highest spenders are in Scotland, with an estimated average spend of £924 per person, followed closely by Londoners who plan to spend around £841 per person. 

Northern Ireland tops the charts regarding the percentage of people indulging in gift buying, with 91% of residents participating. It’s interesting to note the gender dynamics, with 89% of women planning to buy gifts, though their average spend is lower (£503) than men (£716​​).

Reflecting on Personal Circumstances and Celebrating Responsibly

As we observe these trends, we must reflect on our financial situations. Are we stretching our budgets too thin for the sake of tradition? How can we balance the joy of giving with financial prudence? This Christmas, perhaps more than ever, calls for a balance between maintaining festive cheer and being mindful of economic realities.

Mike’s Christmas Practical Tips

As someone who delivers a range of health and wellbeing talks, seminars, and workshops, the most popular topic in the New Year is always financial wellbeing. So, here are my top tips before we go for our festive break:

January Sales: While Black Friday has passed, the January sales offer excellent opportunities for savings. Keep an eye out for deals, especially on more significant purchases.

Help for Households: The UK government offers various supports through the ‘Help for Households’ campaign. Visit to find out what support is available to help with bills, childcare, travel, and energy savings.

Turn2Us: If you struggle to pay bills and essential living costs, Turn2Us can assist with benefits, grants, and other aid forms. Visit their website at for more information.

StepChange: For managing debts and coping with rising energy and food prices, StepChange offers free and impartial debt advice. Visit to learn more.

Energy Company Support: Many energy companies financially support households struggling to pay their bills. Check with your provider or explore options like the British Gas Energy Fund.

Single Occupier Tariff: Some water companies offer a Single Occupier tariff. If you live alone, check to see if you’re eligible for reduced rates.

Voucher Codes: Always look for a voucher code box when shopping online. Finding and applying a discount code can save money, and these savings add up over time.

Food Banks: If you’re facing food insecurity, seek local food banks. Your local authority website should have information on locations and access.

Council Tax Reduction: Contact your local authority to see if you are eligible for a reduction in your council tax.

Negotiating Bills: Don’t hesitate to haggle with providers like Sky, phone companies, and other subscription services. Calling them directly often yields better results than online negotiations.

Conclusion: Embracing the Essence of Christmas:

In conclusion, as we navigate the complexities of an economically challenging Christmas, let’s not lose sight of what makes this season exceptional – the warmth of togetherness, the joy of sharing, and the spirit of kindness. This year, let our celebrations reflect our love for others and our understanding and adaptation to the world around us. 

Please share your thoughts or drop me a message if you have any tips on how you plan to celebrate this Christmas while managing your budget, and let’s inspire each other with ideas and stories of a meaningful, cost-conscious festive season. 🌟✨


remembrance day, poppy, poppies-3811394.jpg

This Remembrance Day Veterans Are Being Encouraged To Get Support For Their Mental Health


Addressing the Invisible Wounds of Combat through Innovative Approaches

The mental health crisis among veterans, particularly those who have experienced combat, is a growing concern that demands urgent attention. A staggering report from a recent JAMA Neurology study reveals a more than 10-fold increase in suicide rates among U.S. veterans from 2006 to 2020, underscoring the inadequacy of current treatment strategies.

In the U.K., the situation is similarly alarming. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a prevalent issue among veterans. Statistics show a significant number of these brave individuals have PTSD, a condition often exacerbated by their experiences in combat. The National Health Service (NHS) strives to provide support, yet the complexity of mental health challenges in veterans calls for a multi-faceted approach.

As someone who has worked closely with veterans, I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact of combat on mental health. Some challenges they face are the memories of lost comrades, the strain on personal and professional relationships, and the struggle to reintegrate into civilian life. My approach involves talking therapies, which have proven beneficial in managing these difficult memories and experiences. These therapies are not just about coping with past traumas; they’re about rebuilding a life with new strategies for wellbeing.

The Benefits of Self-Care in Veteran Mental Health:

  • Meditation: Enhances resilience by developing the ability to cope with stress and recover from adversity. Regular meditation practice leads to mental flexibility and a healthier stress response.
  • Gratitude Exercises: Strengthens relationships by fostering a positive outlook that enhances empathy and deepens connections with others.
  • Counselling or Talking Therapies: Improves self-esteem by providing safe spaces for self-exploration, leading to greater self-awareness and confidence.
  • Talking to Friends and Family: Boosts physical health by providing emotional support and reducing feelings of isolation, which can positively impact physical wellbeing.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices help in managing symptoms of anxiety and depression, contributing to overall emotional wellbeing and mental health stability.

Self-care strategies like meditation, mindfulness, and expressing gratitude daily have shown remarkable results.

They are encouraging veterans to maintain open communication with trusted friends and family members, which further aids in their mental health journey. The Armed Forces Covenant in the U.K. reinforces this need, ensuring that the armed forces community receives the same standard of healthcare as any other citizen. Information leaflets published by the MOD offer guidance on how veterans can access these services.

The Mental Health Foundation highlights that depression, anxiety, and alcohol problems are common among personnel and veterans, in addition to PTSD. Recent studies, such as those conducted by the King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR), suggest an increasing trend in help-seeking behaviour, especially among women.

Innovative perspectives like the brain energy theory of mental illness provide new hope. This theory offers a different understanding of mental health issues, potentially leading to more effective treatments.

Our collective responsibility is to ensure our veterans receive the care and support they deserve. We can significantly improve our veterans’ mental health and wellbeing by integrating traditional medical approaches with holistic self-care practices and new scientific insights.

Contact Information for Support:

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Let’s work together to support our veterans in their journey towards healing and resilience.

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing

Surviving and Thriving A Year After My Pituitary Tumour Surgery

Surviving and Thriving A Year After My Pituitary Tumour Surgery

The Unexpected Turn

Mike Lawrence Health & Wellbeing

Imagine delivering a two-day Mental Health First Aid course, feeling a sense of accomplishment after a successful first

day, only to find yourself in an entirely different world by the next morning. Overnight, I was rushed to a hospital in London, three hours from my home, and was diagnosed with a pituitary tumour.

The Onslaught of Thoughts

The whirlwind of thoughts that followed was overwhelming. There I was, lying in a hospital bed, far from home, pondering over my clients and my self-employment finances during the challenging times of lockdown and COVID-19. The uncertainty was daunting – would I regain my sight? Could I drive again? These negative, debilitating thoughts seemed unending.

Finding Strength in Focus

But amidst this chaos, I found an unexpected strength within me. I decided to focus on one thing at a time. The first and foremost was my recovery. Hospitalisation was the initial phase, where I battled not just the physical ailment but also the mental toll it took. The next stage was transitioning home and starting rehabilitation, where the love and support of friends, family, and clients played a crucial role.

Reintegrating with Renewed Emphasis

And finally, the phase I am currently navigating is reintegrating into my work life, with a renewed emphasis on self-care. As I write this article from the serene setting of Sutton Hall Resort in North Yorkshire, I reflect on the journey I have been through.

Speaking Out: Raising Awareness

In January 2023, I spoke out about my experience in a press release titled “Surviving a Pituitary Tumour: Why Prioritising Our Mental Health is More Vital Than Ever”. My condition, pituitary apoplexy, results from bleeding within the pituitary gland. Fortunately, the tumour was non-cancerous, but the experience was a stark reminder of how easily we overlook the signs of struggling with mental health.

The Wider Crisis

This experience has made me acutely aware of the mental health crisis affecting not just patients but those in high-stress jobs as well. A report highlighting that 45% of UK police officers suffer from mental health issues is a testament to this grim reality. Moreover, the waiting times for mental health treatment in the NHS and the plight of patients in A&E departments underscore the urgency of addressing this crisis.

The Power of Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid Instructor Through my ordeal, I found solace and strength in the knowledge I had gained as a mental health first aid instructor. This training equipped me with skills and strategies that were instrumental in dealing with my traumatic event. It’s crucial to understand that mental health first aid isn’t about diagnosing or treating mental health issues. It’s about recognising signs of a mental health crisis in yourself or others and providing support until professional help is available.

A Call to Action

The journey has been challenging, but it has been enlightening. I urge everyone to pay close attention to their mental health and wellbeing. Practising self-care daily and learning about mental health first aid are vital steps we can all take. We must also advocate for better mental health resources and support in our communities and workplaces.

As we navigate these challenging times, let’s remember to care for ourselves and each other. Our mental health is as important as our physical health, and it’s high time we prioritise it. If my story can inspire even one person to seek help or support a loved one, then sharing it has been worth it.

Join the Conversation

Your mental health matters. Join our Mental Health First Aid course, engage in community discussions, or reach out for support. Together, we can create a world where mental wellbeing is not just a goal but a reality. Let’s make mental health first aid as common as physical first aid. Join me on this journey – for yourself, your loved ones, and our community.

Best mental health first aid training near Sheffield

Best Mental Health First Aid Training Near Sheffield

Best Mental Health First Aid Training Near Sheffield

Best mental health first aid training near Sheffield






Best mental health first aid training near Sheffield


In today’s fast-paced world, marked by the challenges of a post-pandemic era and evolving work environments, prioritizing employee well-being is paramount. Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders®) are vital in providing the support needed to navigate these unprecedented times. Regarding MHFA training, one name stands out – Mike Lawrence.

Why Opt for Mike Lawrence’s MHFA Training?

1. Seasoned Expertise

Mike Lawrence is a distinguished instructor with a remarkable history of training individuals and organisations in mental health first aid. His extensive experience and unwavering commitment to excellence make him a trusted source of knowledge. Mike’s training sessions are renowned for their engaging and informative nature.

2. Exceptional Feedback

The testimonials speak volumes. Learners consistently laud Mike’s teaching style, highlighting his ability to simplify complex topics and ensure everyone grasps and retains the material.

3. A Comprehensive 2-Day Course

Our Mental Health First Aid Training spans two days, providing participants with the skills to identify signs of poor mental health and offer confident support. Beyond theory, this training empowers individuals to take meaningful action when it counts.

4. Certification and Community

Upon course completion, you’ll earn certification as an MHFAider®. This credential opens the door to a supportive community of like-minded individuals, ongoing resources, and 24/7 support through the MHFAider Support App® for three years.

5. Benefits for Both Workplace and Individuals

This course caters to businesses and individuals alike, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to recognize signs of poor mental health, initiate conversations, and connect individuals with appropriate support. Mike Lawrence tailors the training to suit the unique needs of each group.

Aizelwood's Mills Sheffield - Best Mental Health First Aid Training Course

Course Details

Dates: November 16th – 17th, 2023

Venue: Aizelwood’s Mill, Nursery Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8GG, United Kingdom

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cost: £325. Click here to book

What You’ll Gain as an MHFAider®

As an MHFAider®, you’ll:

Identify signs of poor mental health and provide initial support.

Encourage individuals to access professional help and additional resources.

Cultivate active listening skills and empathy.

Foster mental health literacy, dismantling stigmas.

Comprehend the nuances of the MHFAider® role, including boundaries and confidentiality.

Prioritise self-care.

Master the use of the MHFAider Support App®.

Access dedicated support services and ongoing learning opportunities.

MHFA Certificate of Attendance

Structure and Takeaways

Our 2-day course unfolds across four adaptable sessions, progressively building learners’ confidence in supporting others. Safety and individualised support are our priorities, with a maximum of 16 participants per course. The course content emphasizes accessibility and inclusivity, with additional support available upon request.

Every participant receives:

  • A hard copy workbook.
  • A digital manual for future reference.
  • A wallet-sized reference card featuring the Mental Health First Aid action plan.
  • A digital MHFAider® certificate.
  • Three years of access to the MHFAider Support App®, replete with resources.
  • Ongoing learning opportunities, resources, and exclusive events.
  • Membership in the largest MHFAider® community in England.

MHFA Training 3 Years Support Included

Benefits Beyond Training

At MHFA England, we understand that effective MHFAiders® require ongoing support. We offer:

  • Training resources and continuous learning opportunities through the MHFAider Support App®.
  • Tools for organising roles and secure conversation journaling.
  • Resources for self-care, complete with an emotion tracker for well-being monitoring.
  • 24/7 text support for overwhelming moments or guidance during critical situations.
  • Regular online events that facilitate further learning and support.

Who Should Attend?

Our MHFA Training suits:

  • Business owners
  • HR managers
  • Stakeholders
  • Anyone responsible for people management

Booking with Confidence

We value flexibility:

  • Tickets and dates are transferable with written requests.
  • Payment must precede course attendance, enabling access to course resources.
  • Booking confirmation and payment details are sent via email.
  • Cancellation policy:
  • Courses can be cancelled and refunded within 48 hours of booking. No refunds are available beyond this 48-hour window.
  • Rescheduling is possible up to 7 days before the course commences, allowing for either online or face-to-face sessions.

Join the Mental Health First Aid Movement

MHFA 2-Day Training Course

Invest in your employees’ mental wellbeing. Choose Mike Lawrence’s MHFA Training, the premier mental health first aid training near Sheffield. With expert guidance, ongoing support, and a thriving community, you’ll be well-prepared to impact the lives of those around you positively.

Click here to reserve your place

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2023

World Mental Health Day More Than Just a Day on the Calendar

World Mental Health Day is upon us again, dedicated to raising awareness of mental health’s challenges, triumphs, and nuances. Countless articles, social media posts, and campaigns each year champion the cause. But as we mark another year and another World Mental Health Day, one can’t help but wonder: 

Are we genuinely paying attention?

Back in May, the UK observed Mental Health Awareness Week. Yet, does having two significant days in a year translate to twice the impact? Or are these awareness days just a ceremonial nod to an issue that demands sustained attention and action?

Delivering mental health first aid courses both online and in person, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education and awareness. Signposting individuals to professional help or teaching them to initiate conversations about mental health can make a difference. However, the reality is a mixed bag. While there are organisations genuinely committed to the cause, many others seem content with mere lip service.

From my experience, organisations that actively pursue mental health initiatives often have champions within their ranks — individuals with lived experiences or a personal connection to the cause. Yet, the overarching narrative I frequently encounter is familiar: “We don’t have the budget” or “We don’t have the time.” It’s disheartening to see such a crucial issue brushed aside.

Our government, too, sends mixed signals. While there’s been a notable increase in the suicide prevention fund — a move that promises to provide vital support to thousands in need — there’s a troubling inertia elsewhere. The First-Aid (Mental Health) Bill’s stalling is a glaring example. Scheduled for its next stage on 24th November 2023, it’s now uncertain when, or even if, it will be taken up. What message does this convey about the government’s commitment to mental health?

Awareness days, while crucial, cannot be the total of our efforts. They should be launchpads for year-round initiatives, policy changes, and sustained conversations. Otherwise, we risk them becoming echo chambers where only the already converted listen.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training is more than just another course – it’s an urgent call to action for everyone, from business leaders to grassroots community members. Imagine if, in every room you entered, there was at least one individual equipped with the knowledge and skills to support a person undergoing a mental health crisis. The ripple effect of such preparedness would be monumental.

When you undertake MHFA training, you’re not just learning – you’re committing to being that beacon of support in someone’s moment of need. This is our collective responsibility. For organisations, embedding MHFA into regular training schedules demonstrates a proactive approach to mental health, a commitment that extends beyond tokenistic gestures.

So, here’s a call to arms: let’s prioritise MHFA training. Make it as commonplace as first aid for physical injuries. Equip yourself and your teams with the tools to understand, empathise, and assist. Our society’s mental wellbeing is a collective responsibility, and this is a vital step in safeguarding it. 

The Path Forward

Awareness is the first step, but action must follow. Here’s what we can do:

Year-Round Initiatives: Organisations should integrate mental health initiatives into their annual plans, not just align with global awareness days.

Government Action: The government must prioritise mental health in tangible ways, including passing relevant bills and allocating adequate funds.

Education and Training: More professionals should be trained in mental health first aid, ensuring that help is available and accessible when needed.

Community Engagement: Grassroots movements, community conversations, and local support groups can help sustain the momentum and make mental health a part of the public discourse.

In conclusion, as we commemorate World Mental Health Day, let it be a reminder that our commitment should extend beyond the confines of a single day. Our minds, our rights. Let’s put our minds to the task and focus on raising awareness and driving tangible change for better mental health for all.

Black History Month

Mental Health Inequalities within the UK’s Black Communities

Challenges and the Path Forward

In honour of Black History Month, it’s pivotal that we draw attention to the critical issue of mental health inequalities experienced by Black communities within the UK. Despite advancements in mental health awareness and treatment, members of the Black communities, particularly those from African Caribbean backgrounds, continue to face distinctive challenges. A closer look reveals a multifaceted interplay of societal, cultural, and systemic factors contributing to these disparities.

Challenges and Inequalities

Research, including studies by Khan et al. (2017), indicates that individuals from African Caribbean communities in the UK have higher incidences of post-traumatic stress disorder, elevated suicide risk and are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. These startling statistics signify more profound, underlying challenges:

  1. Societal and Cultural Misunderstandings: The perception of a lack of cultural sensitivity among mental health professionals can lead to mistrust and reluctance in seeking help.
  2. Stigmatisation within Communities: Portraying mental health issues as personal failures or weaknesses can lead to enduring silence instead of seeking support.
  3. Institutional Barriers: Misdiagnoses and underdiagnoses underscore Black individuals’ obstacles in accessing adequate care.

Barriers to Support

The barriers stem from mistrust in healthcare systems due to historical and ongoing prejudices and discriminatory practices, discouraging Black individuals from seeking help. Those seeking help might encounter a lack of culturally competent professionals, risking misdiagnoses and inappropriate treatments.

The Ripple Effect of Stigma

Stigma perpetuates a vicious cycle: reduced dialogue around mental health struggles reinforces misconceptions and stereotypes, further alienating individuals in need from potential support systems.

Charting a Path Forward

Acknowledging and understanding these challenges are the initial steps toward resolving them. Collectively owning these inequalities is imperative to dismantle the associated barriers and stigma. A holistic and inclusive approach to mental health can foster an environment where everyone has equal access to the support they need.

In My Opinion: Changes Needed

  • Cultural Competence Training: Regular and comprehensive training for mental health professionals to ensure understanding and respect for cultural nuances.
  • Community Engagement: Active involvement of communities in shaping mental health services and policies to reflect the needs and preferences of all community members.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Tailored campaigns within Black communities to combat stigma and promote mental health awareness and the necessity of seeking help.
  • Research Investment: Adequate funding and emphasis on research focusing on the mental health of Black communities to ensure fair representation and nuanced understanding.
  • Accessible Services: Streamlining access to mental health services and ensuring they are adequately equipped to address Black communities’ specific needs and concerns.
    In conclusion, acknowledging and addressing mental health inequalities is crucial in paving the way for a society where everyone has equal access to mental health support regardless of background.

As we commemorate Black History Month, let’s also endeavour to create an inclusive, supportive future that acknowledges the mental health needs of Black communities in the UK.

For those committed to delving deeper into these issues and actively addressing them, the Mental Health First Aid England course offers an invaluable platform. Delegates who enrol will be able to explore the inequalities mentioned above in detail. Through group discussions, participants can collaboratively analyse how these disparities could potentially impact the decision-making process for someone contemplating seeking professional support due to personal mental health struggles or experiences of deteriorating mental health.

Understanding these nuances is crucial for mental health professionals and anyone in diverse communities. Awareness and practical strategies can help bridge the gap, ensuring that those facing mental health challenges feel understood, supported, and encouraged to seek the help they need.

For more detailed information about the course and how it can empower you to make a difference, click here.

Climate Change Affects Our Mental Health, and What We Can Do About It: An Urgent Call to Action

Climate Change Affects Our Mental Health, and What We Can Do About It: An Urgent Call to Action

The Multi-Dimensional Crisis of Climate Change

Climate change is a crisis that goes beyond just melting glaciers and scorching summers; it’s a crisis that penetrates the human psyche. Recent UK surveys show that 65% of the population feels anxious about the effects of climate change. Moreover, women appear to be more affected than men, with 69% of women indicating anxiety as opposed to 61% of men. As for younger generations, a staggering 20% of those aged 16-24 are willing to sacrifice family plans, stating they’d opt for having fewer children to help alleviate the crisis.

If the pervasive anxiety and life-altering decisions weren’t enough, scientific studies show that rising ambient temperatures and increased air pollution have a pronounced effect on mental health. The range spans from general anxiety to a significant rise in emergency department visits for mental health issues.

Immediate Impacts: Mental Health in the Wake of Catastrophes

The climate crisis isn’t a far-off scenario—it’s happening now. This year alone, extreme weather events have made headlines globally, from cyclones in southeastern Africa to wildfires in Chile and Canada, not to mention unbearable heatwaves across Asia. More recently, the return of El Niño has thrown another wrench in the works, raising global temperatures and sparking even more natural disasters. One such catastrophic event occurred on September 11 when Storm Daniel caused unprecedented flooding in Libya, leaving thousands dead, missing, or displaced.

Such catastrophes have a profound psychological impact. Imagine losing your home, community, and sense of safety overnight. These events can lead to many mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicidal tendencies.

Empowering Through Education

Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to combat the climate crisis’s mental strain. Understanding the science behind the events unfolding around us can transform paralyzing fear into proactive advocacy. Consider engaging with the wealth of scientific literature available, from reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to peer-reviewed journal articles.

Practising Self-Care Amid Chaos

Amid this crisis, it’s crucial to remember the importance of self-care. Whether it’s yoga, journaling, or even simply setting aside an hour each day for ‘digital detox,’ these activities can offer a valuable respite from the constant flood of distressing news.

The Therapeutic Spectrum: More Than Just CBT

While Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) remains popular for treating mental health issues, it’s not the only tool in the shed. Counselling provides a safe space to explore your fears, while life coaching offers a structured plan to tackle stress and lifestyle changes.

Building Resilience: The Community Aspect

But emotional resilience is not built in isolation. Across the UK, local cooperatives are emerging that focus on growing organic fruits and vegetables. These initiatives provide a more sustainable lifestyle and a sense of community, boosting emotional resilience.

Regarding mental health and climate change, we are far from powerless. Through education, self-care, therapeutic interventions, and community engagement, we can better prepare ourselves emotionally for the challenges that lie ahead.

Take the Next Step: Connect with an Expert

If this blog post resonated with you and you’re looking for more tailored advice on managing climate anxiety and mental health, the next step is just an email away. Don’t let the overwhelming feelings of climate change paralyze you. Reach out for expert guidance and strategies to build emotional resilience in these challenging times.

📧 Email Mike Lawrence at to take the first step towards a more resilient you.

Your voice matters; together, we can make a difference for the planet and our mental well-being.



A Leap of Faith Skydiving for the Mental Health Foundation

Though not necessarily brave, I’ve always considered myself an adventurer at heart. Maybe a bit daft, even. In my work as a mental health first aid instructor and a private practice consultant, I see people who grapple with social anxiety, stress, and depression.

I often preach the gospel of stepping outside one’s comfort zone. But hey, it’s easier said than done, right?

Inspired by our ancestors who braved saber-tooth tigers and trekked miles for food, I took the plunge for the Mental Health Foundation. But this leap was more than just a tick off my bucket list; it was deeply personal. Last year, I had a pituitary tumour removed. That intense experience made me reevaluate my priorities; ever since then, self-care has been at the top of my list.

Now, back to the plane. My instructor, Josh, was a pro. His pre-jump brief was as exciting as listening to a speech by Rishi Sunak, which oddly calmed my nerves. “Place your hands across your chest, wrap your legs around the underside of the plane, and head back,” he advised as if telling me how to tie my shoes.

The plane taxied down a short runway under a cloudless sky. Perfect weather—unlike the cancelled jump a few weeks prior due to bad visibility. We reached an altitude of 14,000ft, and I found myself afloat among skydiving aficionados and charity-driven daredevils like myself.

Josh handed me goggles so tight they made me look like a cartoon character whose eyes might pop out at any moment. Then, the plane’s door opened, and for a fleeting moment, I imagined myself getting sucked out like in a bad action movie.

One by one, people took their leaps. I mimicked a mantra in my head, “Hands across the chest, feet under the plane, head up, wait for the tap, then Superman.” Finally, it was my turn.

As I inched closer to the edge, my brain screamed, “What the bleep are you doing, Mike?!” But before I could complete that thought, gravity took over. I was tumbling through the air, screaming, but also oddly liberated.

Josh gave me the much-anticipated tap. I thrust my arms forward, miming Superman, grinning like a madman. And just like that, the sheer terror transformed into an adrenaline-fueled euphoria.

As we descended, Josh handed me the parachute controls. “What happens if you let go?” a devilish voice in my head wondered. Ignoring it, I swivelled left and right, marvelling at the beauty below.
Eventually, Josh guided us toward the landing zone. “Legs to the chest, then out in front,” he instructed. And we landed like pros—or rather, he did; I was just along for the ride.

“What was it like?” the cameraman asked. “Absolutely insane!” I blurted out, my heart still racing.

This was not just a thrill-seeker’s dream but a defining moment that combined personal growth, healing, and advocacy for a cause I deeply believe in mental health. Skydiving was a literal and metaphorical fall into a new understanding of life and resilience, a perfect symbol of my journey from a patient to the pinnacle of self-care.

Thanks to this experience, I’m even more committed to championing mental health. I took a leap for myself and everyone who has been where I was. So, let’s soar to new heights together in our collective fight for better mental health.

Would you like to help, too? Please spread the word, donate, and let’s make a difference. Because sometimes, a leap of faith is what it takes to move mountains.

Mangosteen Group Photo

My Personal Path to Wellbeing at Mangosteen Ayurveda & Wellness Resort

The Rejuvenation Journey


Life’s challenges had recently consumed me. A pituitary tumour diagnosis, months of recovery, and the mounting pressure of returning to work left me in dire need of a sanctuary. That sanctuary? The Mangosteen Ayurveda & Wellness Resort in Phuket, Thailand.

A Unique Retreat: Mangosteen Ayurveda & Wellness Resort Authentic Ayurveda in Thailand

Mangosteen is more than a resort; it’s a haven for those seeking genuine Ayurvedic healing, with professionals trained to an impeccable standard.

Choosing the AyurYoga Panchakarma 7-night Retreat

Why I Chose Panchakarma

After my health challenges, I sought a programme tailored to rejuvenate me, and Panchakarma seemed just right. The retreat’s offerings, from personalised treatments to nourishing Ayurvedic cuisine, promise holistic healing.

My Treatment Programme

Over seven days, I underwent various treatments, from Abhyanga massages to detoxifying procedures.

Personal Reflections: More Than Just Treatments

Each day brought a fresh wave of relaxation, energy, and rejuvenation. I felt my stresses melt away, replaced with newfound vigour. While I expected peace, the profound sense of refreshment was a delightful surprise.

Ayurvedic Doctor

During the final consultation, my Ayurvedic doctor remarked at the end of my programme, “You’ve lost 5kgs, but beyond that, your energy seems more balanced, more harmonious.” It wasn’t just about weight but the transformation inside and out.

Educational Insights into Ayurveda

With roots in ancient India, Ayurveda is more than a medical system; it’s a way of life. Centred on the ‘doshas’ or bodily humour, Ayurveda teaches balance. I was intrigued to learn more about the benefits of the oils and treatments; therefore, My Ayurvedic doctor introduced me to the “Textbook of Ayurveda: Volume 1 – Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda” by Dr Vasant Lad, a foundational text. Additionally, I was given the Ashwagandha supplement, known for its rejuvenating properties.

Beyond Treatment: Life in Phuket

From ethical elephant sanctuaries to rigorous Muay Thai training sessions and a speed boat trip over to PHI PHI Islands, Phuket offered both relaxation and adventure.

Testimonials from the Resort Owners

Hajo, one of the resort owners, told me, “Your journey, from where you started to where you’ve reached, truly resonates with Mangosteen’s ethos of holistic healing. We’re delighted to have been a part of it.”

Call to Action: Your Path to Healing

Consider your wellbeing. It’s time you treat yourself through a wellness retreat or simple moments of self-care in your daily routine.


My journey at Mangosteen was a lesson in the importance of self-care. Not only did I find physical rejuvenation, but I also discovered the strength within to tackle life’s challenges head-on.